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Creating Inner Peace
While Living in A Chaotic World

We are Hhy Mo’zen® Spiritual Training.

A Metaphysical Christian using our gifts and God’s creation to create a supernatural life here on earth.

Worship the Creator, Acknowledge the Creation!

Spirit Lead Training and Healing

Hhy Mo’zen® (life Balance) – Healing Tools for The Healing Toolbox

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts and How to Build Them.

It’s A Daily Discipline.

Walking this Journey in Peace and Love

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is the foundation of all healing work. It is the tool that is always with us, accessible at any time. It creates relaxation and helps transform you from a negative vibration to a positive vibration.

Although there are many theories and many techniques for breath work, one of the easiest and quickest relief is a focused-breathing practice. It is to simply count on the inhale 1-2-3 and 3-2-1 on the exhale. This simple practice opens your lungs and get oxygen to the brain.

Deep breathing changes your vibration and frequency and creates peace and harmony.

Prayer Treatment

There are different types of prayer: prayers of need, prayers of gratitude, prayers for peace, prayers to have fellowship with God. One step to answered prayers is knowing and deciding what you want or need from God.

It is hard to get answered prayers if you are not making known what you are needing to manifest. You must ask God for what you are wanting and believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24) You will have to resist negative thinking and stay in faith and stay positive, guarding your thoughts.

If you are praying for evil and wrong things, then you are already defeated. But if your prayer is of honesty, things that are forthright, then have faith that you will see victory. After you have prayed get out of your head and bring the desire to your heart. Then stand and stand firm, do not waver, do not doubt, do not give up. You can have what you say.

Miracles happen every day!


There are different styles of meditation and many healing benefits. Creating a peaceful heart creates a peaceful world within. There are so many techniques and labels for meditation, please try not to make it too complicated as this defeats the purpose. With daily practice you can master the mediation that works best for you so that it becomes heart knowledge and creates a true inner peace.

Focused Meditation

Using a mantra such as HU, OM, EM, Joy, Peace etc… ask and your mantra will come to you or you can also focus on an object, such as a flame, crystal, the sound of water etc. Remember that meditation is a learned art and that with a daily discipline you will Master and come into the “Zone” or “Zen” state easily.

Activity Meditation

This meditation is going to involve moving: walking the Labyrinth, taking a hike or walk, swimming, excising, enjoying Mother Nature. Remember to breathe and when thoughts and worries come in your mind, take your deep breath and blow them away. Do not try to stop them, just do not dwell on them and keep moving with ease.

Guided Meditation

Having a seasoned practitioner or teacher guide you through a visualization, breathing and relaxation to achieve that place of peace or getting into the “Zone”. I have had some very enlightened experiences being guided and guiding others through a meditation journey. We learn to live from the heart by incorporating these and other healing tools. We find inner peace.

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Building Your Inner Voice and How to Trust It

Developing and Trusting your Intuition

We live in a fear-based culture and we have been programmed that we must be in control of life. We are taught to be terrified of uncertainty, so we’re constantly anticipating everything that might go wrong and doing everything within our power to guard against an inevitable disaster. It’s an exhausting way to live, and it can lead to a chronic state of stress, anxiety, depression and exhaustion even though you are eternally equipped with a powerful inner knowing.

We all have this intuition. It is powerful, trustworthy, and impeccably attuned to your true path. Whether you learn to listen to it and trust it is up to you.

Here are a few ways to turn up the volume on that trustworthy inner voice:

Deep Breathing

Opening up your lungs and getting oxygen to the brain? Deep Breathing changes your vibration and frequency. It creates relaxation and helps to transform us from negative to positive. You will instantly feel the difference.

Prayer Treatment

Be in prayer ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you with Wisdom, Truth, and Knowledge.


Spending time in silence will teach you to hear and interpret messages that you receive from Spirit.


Pay close attention to your dreams. When the cognitive mind is at rest, your subconscious mind as paying attention. Until you learn to listen and trust the inner voice, during your sleep is when many messages and truths come to you. Have a dream journal next to your bed and write your dreams down. Not only will you remember your dream, but this will help to interpret the dream accurately.

Be Creative

Engage in creative actives, such as journaling, painting, scrapbooking, drawing, collages, vision boards. This assist in your cognitive mind to quieten down and allows your intuition, inner voice to speak up.

Life Journey Cards

These beautiful cards were created for just this purpose, to build your intuition and teach you to trust Spirit when you hear your inner voice. Know, that you know, that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Listen to your Body

Your body compass keeps you aware. That uncomfortable feeling, the change in energy, the sick feeling in your gut could be your intuition speaking to you.

Spend Time in Nature

Being in the natural world away from technology helps to clear the vessel of daily stresses. Sit by the water, as it is healing. Walk barefoot through the grass, as it is grounding. Be quiet and listen to the sounds of silence, it brings peace to the Spirit.

Learn from the Past

When you realize that you have experienced something before and it is not bringing happiness or peace, pay attention. This could be your intuition alerting you not to repeat it. This is your warning or red flag hoping that you learned and will not go around the same mountain again.

Live from Your Heart

Your over thinking head is where chaos resides, it creates confusion. When you live from your heart you learn to trust Spirit, intuition, the inner voice, this is where peace dwells. With a daily discipline of practicing these tools, you will learn to trust your inner voice, as it comes from a sacred place, deep within, not from your over thinking head!

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Living A Supernatural Life

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

“For the Kingdom of God is Within”


Angels, Energy, Vibration, Frequency

The Creation

Plants, Herbs, Oils, Water for Our Health and Healing

Thank you for your interest in our research.

Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding our work and publications.

Julie Starr, M.Msc.
Student: Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., University of Sedona

Specializing in Whole Life Counseling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Guidance and Stress Management

Outdoor Enthusiast – Permitted Guide for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park

30+ years experience


Creating Inner Peace
While Living in A Chaotic World

We are Hhy Mo’zen® Spiritual Training.

A Metaphysical Christian using our gifts and God’s creation to create a supernatural life here on earth.

Worship the Creator, Acknowledge the Creation!

Spirit Lead Training and Healing

Hhy Mo’zen® (life Balance) – Healing Tools for The Healing Toolbox

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts and How to Build Them.

It’s A Daily Discipline.

Walking this Journey in Peace and Love

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is the foundation of all healing work. It is the tool that is always with us, accessible at any time. It creates relaxation and helps transform you from a negative vibration to a positive vibration.

Although there are many theories and many techniques for breath work, one of the easiest and quickest relief is a focused-breathing practice. It is to simply count on the inhale 1-2-3 and 3-2-1 on the exhale. This simple practice opens your lungs and get oxygen to the brain.

Deep breathing changes your vibration and frequency and creates peace and harmony.

Prayer Treatment

There are different types of prayer: prayers of need, prayers of gratitude, prayers for peace, prayers to have fellowship with God. One step to answered prayers is knowing and deciding what you want or need from God.

It is hard to get answered prayers if you are not making known what you are needing to manifest. You must ask God for what you are wanting and believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24) You will have to resist negative thinking and stay in faith and stay positive, guarding your thoughts.

If you are praying for evil and wrong things, then you are already defeated. But if your prayer is of honesty, things that are forthright, then have faith that you will see victory. After you have prayed get out of your head and bring the desire to your heart. Then stand and stand firm, do not waver, do not doubt, do not give up. You can have what you say.

Miracles happen every day!


There are different styles of meditation and many healing benefits. Creating a peaceful heart creates a peaceful world within. There are so many techniques and labels for meditation, please try not to make it too complicated as this defeats the purpose. With daily practice you can master the mediation that works best for you so that it becomes heart knowledge and creates a true inner peace.

Focused Meditation

Using a mantra such as HU, OM, EM, Joy, Peace etc… ask and your mantra will come to you or you can also focus on an object, such as a flame, crystal, the sound of water etc. Remember that meditation is a learned art and that with a daily discipline you will Master and come into the “Zone” or “Zen” state easily.

Activity Meditation

This meditation is going to involve moving: walking the Labyrinth, taking a hike or walk, swimming, excising, enjoying Mother Nature. Remember to breathe and when thoughts and worries come in your mind, take your deep breath and blow them away. Do not try to stop them, just do not dwell on them and keep moving with ease.

Guided Meditation

Having a seasoned practitioner or teacher guide you through a visualization, breathing and relaxation to achieve that place of peace or getting into the “Zone”. I have had some very enlightened experiences being guided and guiding others through a meditation journey. We learn to live from the heart by incorporating these and other healing tools. We find inner peace.

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Building Your Inner Voice and How to Trust It

Developing and Trusting your Intuition

We live in a fear-based culture and we have been programmed that we must be in control of life. We are taught to be terrified of uncertainty, so we’re constantly anticipating everything that might go wrong and doing everything within our power to guard against an inevitable disaster. It’s an exhausting way to live, and it can lead to a chronic state of stress, anxiety, depression and exhaustion even though you are eternally equipped with a powerful inner knowing.

We all have this intuition. It is powerful, trustworthy, and impeccably attuned to your true path. Whether you learn to listen to it and trust it is up to you.

Here are a few ways to turn up the volume on that trustworthy inner voice:

Deep Breathing

Opening up your lungs and getting oxygen to the brain? Deep Breathing changes your vibration and frequency. It creates relaxation and helps to transform us from negative to positive. You will instantly feel the difference.

Prayer Treatment

Be in prayer ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you with Wisdom, Truth, and Knowledge.


Spending time in silence will teach you to hear and interpret messages that you receive from Spirit.


Pay close attention to your dreams. When the cognitive mind is at rest, your subconscious mind as paying attention. Until you learn to listen and trust the inner voice, during your sleep is when many messages and truths come to you. Have a dream journal next to your bed and write your dreams down. Not only will you remember your dream, but this will help to interpret the dream accurately.

Be Creative

Engage in creative actives, such as journaling, painting, scrapbooking, drawing, collages, vision boards. This assist in your cognitive mind to quieten down and allows your intuition, inner voice to speak up.

Life Journey Cards

These beautiful cards were created for just this purpose, to build your intuition and teach you to trust Spirit when you hear your inner voice. Know, that you know, that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Listen to your Body

Your body compass keeps you aware. That uncomfortable feeling, the change in energy, the sick feeling in your gut could be your intuition speaking to you.

Spend Time in Nature

Being in the natural world away from technology helps to clear the vessel of daily stresses. Sit by the water, as it is healing. Walk barefoot through the grass, as it is grounding. Be quiet and listen to the sounds of silence, it brings peace to the Spirit.

Learn from the Past

When you realize that you have experienced something before and it is not bringing happiness or peace, pay attention. This could be your intuition alerting you not to repeat it. This is your warning or red flag hoping that you learned and will not go around the same mountain again.

Live from Your Heart

Your over thinking head is where chaos resides, it creates confusion. When you live from your heart you learn to trust Spirit, intuition, the inner voice, this is where peace dwells. With a daily discipline of practicing these tools, you will learn to trust your inner voice, as it comes from a sacred place, deep within, not from your over thinking head!

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Living A Supernatural Life

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

“For the Kingdom of God is Within”


Angels, Energy, Vibration, Frequency

The Creation

Plants, Herbs, Oils, Water for Our Health and Healing

Thank you for your interest in our research.

Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding our work and publications.

Julie Starr, M.Msc.
Student: Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., University of Sedona

Specializing in Whole Life Counseling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Guidance and Stress Management

Outdoor Enthusiast – Permitted Guide for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park

30+ years experience


Creating Inner Peace
While Living in A Chaotic World

We are Hhy Mo’zen® Spiritual Training.

A Metaphysical Christian using our gifts and God’s creation to create a supernatural life here on earth.

Worship the Creator, Acknowledge the Creation!

Spirit Lead Training and Healing

Hhy Mo’zen® (life Balance) – Healing Tools for The Healing Toolbox

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts and How to Build Them.

It’s A Daily Discipline.

Walking this Journey in Peace and Love

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is the foundation of all healing work. It is the tool that is always with us, accessible at any time. It creates relaxation and helps transform you from a negative vibration to a positive vibration.

Although there are many theories and many techniques for breath work, one of the easiest and quickest relief is a focused-breathing practice. It is to simply count on the inhale 1-2-3 and 3-2-1 on the exhale. This simple practice opens your lungs and get oxygen to the brain.

Deep breathing changes your vibration and frequency and creates peace and harmony.

Prayer Treatment

There are different types of prayer: prayers of need, prayers of gratitude, prayers for peace, prayers to have fellowship with God. One step to answered prayers is knowing and deciding what you want or need from God.

It is hard to get answered prayers if you are not making known what you are needing to manifest. You must ask God for what you are wanting and believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24) You will have to resist negative thinking and stay in faith and stay positive, guarding your thoughts.

If you are praying for evil and wrong things, then you are already defeated. But if your prayer is of honesty, things that are forthright, then have faith that you will see victory. After you have prayed get out of your head and bring the desire to your heart. Then stand and stand firm, do not waver, do not doubt, do not give up. You can have what you say.

Miracles happen every day!


There are different styles of meditation and many healing benefits. Creating a peaceful heart creates a peaceful world within. There are so many techniques and labels for meditation, please try not to make it too complicated as this defeats the purpose. With daily practice you can master the mediation that works best for you so that it becomes heart knowledge and creates a true inner peace.

Focused Meditation

Using a mantra such as HU, OM, EM, Joy, Peace etc… ask and your mantra will come to you or you can also focus on an object, such as a flame, crystal, the sound of water etc. Remember that meditation is a learned art and that with a daily discipline you will Master and come into the “Zone” or “Zen” state easily.

Activity Meditation

This meditation is going to involve moving: walking the Labyrinth, taking a hike or walk, swimming, excising, enjoying Mother Nature. Remember to breathe and when thoughts and worries come in your mind, take your deep breath and blow them away. Do not try to stop them, just do not dwell on them and keep moving with ease.

Guided Meditation

Having a seasoned practitioner or teacher guide you through a visualization, breathing and relaxation to achieve that place of peace or getting into the “Zone”. I have had some very enlightened experiences being guided and guiding others through a meditation journey. We learn to live from the heart by incorporating these and other healing tools. We find inner peace.

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Building Your Inner Voice and How to Trust It

Developing and Trusting your Intuition

We live in a fear-based culture and we have been programmed that we must be in control of life. We are taught to be terrified of uncertainty, so we’re constantly anticipating everything that might go wrong and doing everything within our power to guard against an inevitable disaster. It’s an exhausting way to live, and it can lead to a chronic state of stress, anxiety, depression and exhaustion even though you are eternally equipped with a powerful inner knowing.

We all have this intuition. It is powerful, trustworthy, and impeccably attuned to your true path. Whether you learn to listen to it and trust it is up to you.

Here are a few ways to turn up the volume on that trustworthy inner voice:

Deep Breathing

Opening up your lungs and getting oxygen to the brain? Deep Breathing changes your vibration and frequency. It creates relaxation and helps to transform us from negative to positive. You will instantly feel the difference.

Prayer Treatment

Be in prayer ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you with Wisdom, Truth, and Knowledge.


Spending time in silence will teach you to hear and interpret messages that you receive from Spirit.


Pay close attention to your dreams. When the cognitive mind is at rest, your subconscious mind as paying attention. Until you learn to listen and trust the inner voice, during your sleep is when many messages and truths come to you. Have a dream journal next to your bed and write your dreams down. Not only will you remember your dream, but this will help to interpret the dream accurately.

Be Creative

Engage in creative actives, such as journaling, painting, scrapbooking, drawing, collages, vision boards. This assist in your cognitive mind to quieten down and allows your intuition, inner voice to speak up.

Life Journey Cards

These beautiful cards were created for just this purpose, to build your intuition and teach you to trust Spirit when you hear your inner voice. Know, that you know, that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Listen to your Body

Your body compass keeps you aware. That uncomfortable feeling, the change in energy, the sick feeling in your gut could be your intuition speaking to you.

Spend Time in Nature

Being in the natural world away from technology helps to clear the vessel of daily stresses. Sit by the water, as it is healing. Walk barefoot through the grass, as it is grounding. Be quiet and listen to the sounds of silence, it brings peace to the Spirit.

Learn from the Past

When you realize that you have experienced something before and it is not bringing happiness or peace, pay attention. This could be your intuition alerting you not to repeat it. This is your warning or red flag hoping that you learned and will not go around the same mountain again.

Live from Your Heart

Your over thinking head is where chaos resides, it creates confusion. When you live from your heart you learn to trust Spirit, intuition, the inner voice, this is where peace dwells. With a daily discipline of practicing these tools, you will learn to trust your inner voice, as it comes from a sacred place, deep within, not from your over thinking head!

Hhy Mo’zen®– A Daily Discipline

Living A Supernatural Life

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

“For the Kingdom of God is Within”


Angels, Energy, Vibration, Frequency

The Creation

Plants, Herbs, Oils, Water for Our Health and Healing

Thank you for your interest in our research.

Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding our work and publications.

Julie Starr, M.Msc.
Student: Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., University of Sedona

Specializing in Whole Life Counseling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Guidance and Stress Management

Outdoor Enthusiast – Permitted Guide for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park

30+ years experience